The Mach® Vibrator is a high frequency, low amplitude external concrete vibrator. The unique design requires no bearings and contains only three moving parts, keeping maintenance to a minimum.
High EnergyTM Vibratory Aluminum Screeds apply high frequency vibration directly into the concrete from the top. These manually operated screeds are a great option for use on flat slabs, wall panels, architectural panels and similar products.
The Vibrotrack™ Vibration System has continuous track sections welded to the form allowing an infinite number of vibrator positions. The vibrator base, or sled, is positioned in the continuous track in the desired location.
“Over the years, we’ve worked with Hamilton Form on a variety of large projects and have always taken advantage of their technical expertise and knack for designing formwork for production efficiency. To produce a quality product, you need quality forms, and that’s what we get from Hamilton Form.”
Clayton Sembler
CDS Manufacturing, Inc.
“When I call Hamilton Form, I know I’ll get forms that are easy to set up, cast in and strip. I’ve come to depend on Hamilton Form for highly complex, highly efficient formwork. Plus, they deliver on time and within budget, which makes for a winning combination.”
Greg Elliott
General Manager
Tindall – Texas Division